Sustainability Policy

Visit Waterford is committed to working with members, local government authorities, national tourism bodies and the wider Waterford community to ensure that Visit Waterford engages in sustainable initiatives where possible.

Visit Waterford’s objective includes promoting sustainable initiatives from members, tourism bodies, local authorities and the wider Waterford community, with an aim to increase awareness of and engagement with sustainable practices.

Visit Waterford will manage and encourage environmentally friendly practices within its work environments. Undertaking initiatives that will protect and enhance the local environment in line with principles outlined by local and national tourism bodies.


Visit Waterford aims to operate an environmentally conscious work environment, encourage the principles of sustainability and assist our members in promoting their sustainability policies to ensure increased awareness and protection of the local environment.

Visit Waterford will attend and encourage members to attend workshops and seminars run by local and national tourism bodies to keep up to date with sustainable practices. Visit Waterford board members and staff will actively promote the importance of sustainability and communicate this with members. Visit Waterford will promote the importance of sustainability on its platforms during Biodiversity Week.

Visit Waterford will highlight the sustainability policies of its members on Visit Waterford platforms. Visit Waterford will include a section on sustainability and the initiatives of its members in the Visit Waterford annual report.


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